Category: Understanding Cars

What is Otto Cycle?

The name Otto is not picked from any physics book nor it is any phenomenon. Otto was the last name of Engineer Nikolaus Otto who created the very first working four-stroke engine. Four-stroke engines with spark plugs are also called as Otto engines. Otto cycle is basically the thermodynamic cycle on which a four-stroke engine

You know what CVT is?

These days many guys are asking about CVTs. They come across this term but don’t actually know what it is. CVT basically stands for Continuously Varying Transmission which a type of transmission used in automobiles among other 3 main types. So, rather than just knowing CVT, you will also become familiar with other 3 types

Basic Thermodynamics

90% of the science behind your car’s engine is pure thermodynamics. So, having a basic knowledge of thermodynamics is a must for a car guy. It all starts from system and surroundings. The system is the one which is considered into observation and everything else is surroundings.

Understanding Solenoid

Solenoid must be familiar to you if you are electrician, mechanic or had physics Major ever. The solenoid is a basic device used in your car to start it, it is also used in earphones, microphone, speaker, DC motors, many of door locks and many more things. It works on simple physics and is very

How car works?

This article explains the working of a typical car. How pushing the accelerator moves your car ahead and how releasing it stops acceleration? Everything in layman language.

Did your engine ever suffered knocking?

Have you ever been to a journey on car when your engine knocked down? If answer is yes, then you must have changed your car to complete that journey and later on replaced the car’s engine completely. Engine knocking is the worst case scenario your car can face excluding an accident. This post will discuss

Familiar to Spark Production Timing?

You must have heard Spark Production Timing (SPT) earlier and you may also know what it is. But do you know how it affects your car? Well, this post will tell you about both — What Spark Production Timing is? and How does it affects car’s performance?