Category: Understanding Cars

You know about hot and cold plugs?

What are Hot and Cold spark Plugs? Spark plugs have their own types namely hot plugs and cold plugs. Although hot and cold plugs do not make the whole engine hot or cold, but yes, they make themselves hot or cold and do play an important role in your car’s heart.

Spark Production Timing (SPT) on car’s performance?

There are two types of changes in SPT which are the advanced spark and retarded spark. Both have their own significance in producing race cars and mileage cars. When the engine speeds up, the movement of pistons also speeds up thereby increasing the need of an advanced spark. But if the spark is produced too

What are Hemi-engines?

Now-a-days Hemi engines are used as a nickname for powerful engines. But word Hemi is used for the Hemi-spherical shape of the combustion chamber.

How different tires affect your car

The basic of this topic is the basic Pressure definition which states pressure is Force per unit Area. That is, P=F/A. In more simple language, it means more is the surface area, less is pressure. This is the reason why heavy load trucks have four rear tires, so as to increase Area and reduce pressure. Having

What is Gear Ratio?

It is a very simple concept but still many people confuse due to the way they learned. The gear ratio is simply the ratio of diameters of two gears. It means whenever we talk about gear ratio, we have considered two gears. For example, we combine two gears, one with diameter 20 inches and other

Your rims on performance

Ever experienced any change in your comfort or performance of car after changing your rims? Then it could be a good change or may be even horrible. Whenever changing your rims, it must be kept in mind that the rim size, material, and width can affect your vehicle. New rims with increased width can help


A turbocharger is a shortened name for the technical and original name of super-turbocharger. It is also same as a supercharger and is used for the same task but the difference arises in their attachment, efficiency. A turbocharger unlike supercharger is linked with exhaust gases and gets it power from them which does not affect